1.Be Direct.
When you ask her out be direct. if you ask her what she ‘s doing on Friday she’s been preprogrammed to reply “Im catching up with friends”(the friends she always sees and who she can see any time) because she doesn’t want to come across too available. You say too bad, awkward moment, feeble excuse, drift apart, dig a hole and bury yourself deep deep down.
Rewind – I’m giving you a second chance. Start over. Man up. Tell her what you want. Women like a man in control. You need to give her a reason to change her plans whether fictitious or not. Don’t be weak. Have a plan. Tell her what you are planning/ where you are going/ where you’d like to take her. If she likes you or your plan she will change her plans accordingly and if she really cant make it she’s got the message and will let you know if she’d like you to ask her out again
2. Pay Compliments.
Women never hear enough compliments so as long as you aren’t being sleazy you will get endless kudos here. when your date or the girl you want to date, looks gorgeous, tell her. If you are a man of the moment make the compliment specific “your smile just lights up your whole face, you look so pretty”. When you see her on your first date tell her how good she looks. She’s been getting ready for an hour and a half and if you don’t mention how she looks you are being retarded.
When you’ve had a good time with her let her know. Things about her that you particularly like? Let her kniow. This is such an easy one.
3. Be chivalrous.
Modern world, equal opportunities.. etc etc but women are conflicted and they really want to be looked after. Be gentleman and treat her like a Lady and if she doesn’t like it, don’t waste any more time on her and think of it as a lucky escape. Open the door for her. Open her car door. Pay for the drinks, pick up the bill. Give her your jacket if it’s cold. Hold out your arm when she’s in heels and it’s bumpy terrain. Walk her to her door. Make sure she’s safe. One of the great things about being a man is being a strength for a woman. Another easy one.
4. Have a plan.
See above. Where do you want to go. Where do you think she might also like to go (unless she’s expressed some strange desire to go to the footy on your first date you may have to tailor your plan to her). But this should be something you want to do. If its a bar or restaurant why did you choose it? It looks good? It has good reviews? What in particular – the food, the people, the entertainment, to see and be seen. That’s all fine – thats why you’re taking her there so be confident. You’re in control.
If you’re really not sure what she likes, offer her a choice and if she has no preference you can choose.
5. Don’t be Negative.
Don’t complain about your job, your mother, your exes, your life. You’re probably nervous. Maybe you’re not nervous, maybe you are self obsessed? In which case don’t be surprised to see her eyes glaze over. Do a little ground work, just like for an interview. What does she like? Ask her about that. If you’re talking most of the time its probably not going so well likewise if you’re not talking enough, something is wrong. What ever you’re talking about – it should be of mutual interest and should leave you both with a smile on your face.
6. Don’t boast.
Again as above. Don’t drop how much you’re worth (money is a vulgar and taboo), your Lamborghini, you’re A-list friends, you’re Olympic medals.. ets. If this is all true she will be much more impressed when she discovers them later.
Oh! And don’t be condescending or talk down to her, and treat her like an idiot.
7. Be Cool.
If you spill your drink (ideally not over her) because of nerves? Have a good laugh. If you make it awkward she will find it awkward. If you make it funny – she will find it funny and will probably for get it, but remember having a good time with you.
8. Personal Hygeine.
Should be a given. Shower. Wash. Shave. Clean clothes. Iron your shirt. Dress well and appropriately. Table manners. Don’t get smashed especially if she isnt.
9. Go in for the Kill.
When should you kiss her? If its going really well then pick your moment and go for it. If you don’t know then you go for a peck on the cheek at the end of the evening. She might just turn toward you. I don’t think you need to be told that this is a good sign. If you’re still unsure and don’t want to make the move, don’t, but be a gentleman and walk her to the door. Finish strong.